Register Now!

Register your child with SPORTSPARK, please fill out this form


Rules and Safety Guidelines: By accepting to participate in our Gymnastics classes, you are agreeing to adhere to the following  terms & conditions*


All gymnasts must arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of their training session.

Gymnasts are not allowed to use equipment in the absence of a supervising coach or without

Spectators (parents, guardians, siblings or helper etc.) are strictly not allowed in the training arena and cooperate gymnast to concentrate on their training.

Parents and guardians are not allowed to approach any of our coaches during a training session

Please ensure that the Gymnast comes preferably on an empty stomach, or have just a light snack before, so that they don’t feel uneasy

Photographs and video may be taken by coaches to record session activity, enhance the learning process of gymnasts, for general marketing purposes

SPORTSPARK is not responsible for any injuries and thefts or any losses etc.


The Registration is mandatory and registration fees Rs. 150/- is valid for a year and non-refundable.

Payment/fees of Gymnastics class should be done before 10th date of each month or quarter or half yearly

Classes or term fees are not transferrable to other children

We have provision for Only One Paid Trial Session

There are no refunds for sessions missed by a gymnast, including replacement sessions arranged by the club but not attended.

Fees are monthly or quarterly or half yearly based and not date to date – Non Refundable

The Holidays are taken into account in the charge, fees remain the same in months where there are fewer classes for holidays

Kindly send us a screenshot of payment on or on 9823313929